Ten Ways to Help Improve the Environment

Following these 10 simple suggestions will help improve the health of the environment. You may feel like your participation is insignificant and won't make a difference. This is not true because combined with and collective of others like you change will happen. 1. Reduce, reuse, and recycle- doing so helps observe energy and reduces pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from resource extraction, manufacturing, and disposal. 2. Use water efficiently - conserving water also conserves energy by reducing the amount of watered pumped, treated, and heated 3. Water saving action: Turn off the water when brushing your teeth or shaving 4. Water saving action: Fix leaky toilets, which waste 200 gallons a day (EPA, 2017) 5. Water saving action: Only run dishwashers with a full load - saves 100lbs of carbon dioxide (EPA, 2017) 6. Be green in your yard - compost food waste and yard debris 7. Drive smart - go easy on the brakes, avoid hard accelerations, reduce time spent ...