Help Reduce Air Pollution

Help make the air cleaner by doing your part to reduce air pollution.
Less electricity = cleaner air
At home:
  1. Turn off the lights when you leave a room
  2. Use compact florescent light bulbs
  3. Use a fan instead of air conditioning
  4. Recycle plastic, paper, metal and organic materials
  5. Chose products made from recycled materials
  6. Wash laundry in cold water and hang to dry
  7. Turn off appliances when not in use
  8. Install low-flow shower fixtures
  9. Use reusable grocery bags
  10. Eliminate the use of toxic household cleaner
On the road:
  1. Carpool
  2. Walk or bike when possible
  3. Use public transportation
  4. Combine errands into on trip
  5. Drive less on days with unhealthy air
  6. Maintain vehicle
  7. Maintain proper tire pressure
  8. Remove unnecessary weight from car
  9. Limit vehicle idling time
  10. Accelerate gradually and maintain the speed limit
By following these simple suggests, you’ll do your part to help reduce air pollution.
Source: California Air Resources Board, 2015,


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