Water Wisely

With temperatures across the Nation reaching triple-digits, it’s important to keep your garden, lawn, and landscape adequately watered while at the same time conserving water. Not only is water essential for all life it is also a finite resource meaning we cannot create more.
Over-watering and evaporation are two of the major areas in which we waste water. It’s estimated that 50% of applied water is wasted. This water waste is preventable with proper planning.
Water gardens, lawns, and landscapes in the early morning or late evening after the sun goes down. This prevents significant water evaporation.
Know how much water your plants and lawn need – give them no more than required.
Check the water needs of you lawn by stepping on it. If the grass is springy and not brittle, it doesn’t need water.
Raise the blade on your lawn mower – doing so will reduce evaporation and promote root growth.
If you use an irrigation system, use a WaterSense labeled controller. The EPA (2017) has found the average home saves 8,800 gallons of water a year by using a WaterSense labeled irrigation controller.
If you use an irrigation system, maintain it regularly looking for leaks, broken or clogged heads and adjust sprinkler heads so as not to spray driveways, sidewalks or the road.

Source: Environmental Protection Agency. 2017. “When it’s hot”. https://www.epa.gov/watersense/when-its-hot


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