Looking Forward to 2018

Happy New Year! With 2018 underway, most of you have made your new year’s resolutions. If you haven’t yet, or even if you have, I suggest you make a resolution to conserve natural resources in whichever way suits your lifestyle. Many small changes add up to make a big difference. Do you part! Resolve to… Conserve Water by… Only washing full loads of laundry Do not leave the water running…Instead… Wash produce in a bowl of water Defrost food in the refrigerator Keep a pitcher of drinking water in refrigerator Turn off water when brushing your teeth Take shorter showers Turn off water when washing your hair Retrofit showerheads, faucets, and aerators with WaterSense © Replace old toilets – consider a dual-flush toilet Reduce Air Pollution by… Limit driving – carpool, public transportation, walking, and biking Take few trips – combine errands Keep automobile maintained and regularly check tire pressure Do not idling vehicle unnece...