Earth Day 2018 - Be the Change

The beginning of the modern environmental movement began with on April 22, 1970 – the first Earth Day. Since then, the Earth Day Network has worked to take the environmental movement worldwide through education and activism.

April 22, 2018 is Earth Day and this year the focus is on ending plastic pollution. The Earth Day Network has details on how you can take action through community involvement or individual actions to end plastic pollution. The Earth Day Network has an action toolkit on how to participate in Earth Day activities for individuals, organizations, and educators.

TAKE ACTION EVERYDAY to reduce plastic pollution!

1. Stop buying bottled water – carry a reusable bottle - Concerned about the quality of local tap water? Buy a bottle with a built-in filter

2. Stop using disposable plastics (i.e. shopping bags, plastic cutlery, straws, coffee cups)
  • Use reusable shopping bags
  • Use wood or metal flatware
  • Use metal straws
  • Carry a reusable coffee mug
3. Do not buy products with microbeads 

4. Purchase second-hand goods - reduces the need to produce new plastics

5. Recycle - reduces the need to produce new plastics

6. Cook at home more - reduces packaging and your carbon footprint

7. Write the manufacturers of goods you purchase asking them to reduce their carbon footprint

8. Endorse a bag fee – The City of Eugene Oregon began enforcing a 5 fee on bags in order to encourage shoppers to bring their own bags.

9. Buy in bulk – reduces packaging

10. Reuse dry-cleaner garment bags


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