Spooky Upcycled Halloween Decorations

This Halloween take your decorations to the next level by upcycling materials. Upcycling is a way to turn rubbish into treasure. This is a great way to reduce the amount of materials that enter the landfill. In 2013, 254 million tons of trash were generated by Americans.[1] That is a lot of municipal waste! When creating upcycled decorations, use recycled or reused materials. Also, make sure to recycle or store your Halloween creations.

Do your part to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

1. Ceiling Fan Blade Ghosts
For this project, simply paint the ceiling fan white and paint black spooky eyes. (Source: sadieseasongoods.com)

2. Spooky Glowing Eyes
This project is easy and fun for the kids. Simply take an empty toilet paper roll and cut out spooky eyes. Finally push several glow sticks into the toilet paper roll and voila - you have a pair of spooky glowing eyes. (Source: rustsunshine.blogspot.com)

3. Haunted Faces and Jack-o-lanterns
There are several containers that will work to make haunted faces. Glass jars and plastic milk jugs work great for this project. First paint the container either with a solid color or if you want to put a light inside, you'll want to only paint on eyes. (Source: upcycled-wonders.com)

4. Pumpkin Faces
You can use an old mesh plate holder or any piece of round rubbish to create a ghostly pumpkin face. (Source: sadieseasongoods.com)

5. Luminaries
You will need several empty tin cans for this project. Fill the empty tin can with water and place it in the freeze for several days. Once the water is frozen solid, use a nail and hammer to tap holes into the can. The ice inside keeps the can from denting when you tap it with the nail and hammer. After you've completed your design, thaw the ice and pour out the water. Place a lite candle inside and voila, you have a eerie luminary. (Source: inhabitat.com)

6. Dryer Vent Pumpkins
For this project, you will end a length of dryer vent hose. Simply bent the dryer vent hose into a circle and attach with a piece of wire. Now paint the dryer vent hose and add a piece of wire to hang it. It is that simple. (Source: inhabitat.com)

[1] US Environmental Protection Agency. 2016. Municipal solid waste. Retrieved from https://archive.epa.gov/epawaste/nonhaz/municipal/web/html/


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