Exploring the Great Outdoor With Your Dog - Eight things you need to know before you go

If you are a dog owner that loves to explore the great outdoors then you most likely take your pooch with you. Before heading out for your outdoor adventure with your furry four-legged friend, take note of the following guidelines and rules. Why does my dog have to stay on the leash? The most important reason is to protect wildlife and their habitat. Dogs are not known for staying on the trail when they are off leash. In some places it is of the utmost importance to stay on the trail in order to prevent erosion or to prevent disrupting wildlife breeding areas. 1. Check before you go! Some parks and hiking trails prohibit dogs. Also check the intensity of the trail to ensure your pup is up for the challenge. US National Forests – Dogs are allowed off leash expect for developed areas, unless otherwise posted (campgrounds, picnic areas, visitor center, etc.). Some US National Forests have seasonal restrictions on pets. Check before you go! 2. ...