Reduce Carbon Emissions – Air Dry Your Laundry

One easy way to reduce your carbon footprint is to air dry laundry instead of using a clothes dryer. On average, a standard electric dryer uses 967 kilowatt hours / year (based on 416 cycles/year) and a gas clothes dryer uses 1,091 kilowatt hours /year. [1]

1 kilowatt hour of electricity = 1.6 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2). [2]

1 load of laundry dried in electric dryer = 2.3 kWh

1 load of laundry dried in electric dryer = 3.68 lbs. of CO2

Air drying one load of laundry prevents 3.68 lbs. of CO2 from entering the atmosphere!

When you can, air dry your laundry. You will save money and energy and reduce the amount of carbon emissions entering the atmosphere.


[1] US Department of Energy. November 2011. ENERGY STAR Market & Industry Scoping Report Residential Clothes Dryers. US Department of Energy. Retrieved from

[2] US environmental Protection Agency. December 2018. Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator


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