Earth Day 2020

It's Earth Day! Here are some ways you can improve the health of our planet. 

1. Replace disposable plastic products with durable and reusable products

2. Influence Environmental Policy - Write Your Representative

3. Reduce your carbon footprint

4. Learn about your local watershed

5. Reduce paper waste

6. Learn about invasive species

8. Conserve Water by…
  • Only washing full loads of laundry
  • Do not leave the water running…Instead…
    • Wash produce in a bowl of water
    • Defrost food in the refrigerator
    • Keep a pitcher of drinking water in refrigerator
  • Turn off water when brushing your teeth
  • Take shorter showers
  • Turn off water when washing your hair
  • Retrofit showerheads, faucets, and aerators with WaterSense©
  • Replace old toilets – consider a dual-flush toilet

9. Reduce Air Pollution by…
  • Limit driving – carpool, public transportation, walking, and biking
  • Take few trips – combine errands
  • Keep automobile maintained and regularly check tire pressure
  • Do not idling vehicle unnecessarily
  • Use hand-held and electric lawn care equipment
  • Patron dry cleaners that are environmentally friendly
  • Use paints with low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
  • Use low-polluting watercraft

10. Conserve Energy by…
  • Turn off lights, appliances, and computers when not in use
  • Use sun’s light and heat – open curtains and blinds to let light in
  • Replace old light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs (i.e. LED)
  • Remove unnecessary lamps
  • Only run dishwasher when full
  • Purchase EnergyStar© appliances
  • Set thermostat to lower temperature at night and when not at home
  • Install digital thermostat
  • Make sure vents are not blocked
  • Keep doors and windows closed when running HVAC
Although Earth Day is only one day of the year, we should practice these tips every day.


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