The Top Five Ways to Help Our Oceans

The Top Five Ways to Help Our Oceans Ocean pollution harms marine wildlife, threatens food safety, and contributes to climate change. Ocean pollution reduces habitat and species populations. Pollution threatens food safety by contaminating seafood with heavy metals, which are harmful to humans. Ocean pollution contributes to climate change by changing the acidity and the temperature. By following these five steps, you will help reduce ocean pollution and increase ocean health. #1 DO NOT POLLUTE Our oceans are full of billions of pounds of pollution. In fact, billions of pounds of pollution enter the ocean every year. [1] The pollution comes from many sources including street trash, beach litter, and household waste. Other forms of ocean pollution include animal waste, vehicle fluids, and agricultural run-off. Credit: NOAA #2 STOP USING SINGLE-USE PLASTIC Plastics are responsible for 8 million tons [2] of ocean pollution per year. Sadly, wildlife gets tangled or ingests plasti...