What Does It Mean to Weatherize a House?


What Does It Mean to Weatherize a House?

Now is the time to prepare for cold, winter weather by weatherizing your house. All types of homes (apartment, duplex, mobile homes, single-family) benefit from weatherization. Weatherization is the practice of protecting the interior of your house from the elements of weather. Doing so will not only keep you warm and cozy in the winter it will also reduce your energy consumption and costs.

How do I weatherize my house?

To weatherize your house, you need to keep the weather elements outside. In the winter, this means stopping air drafts. There are several, simple steps you can take to weatherize your house.

Windows and Doors

  • Caulk doors and windows
  • Install weather-stripping to windows and doors
  • Install plastic sheeting on inside windows and sliding doors
  • Install door sweep
  • Use heavy curtains or drapes

Attic, Chimney, Ducts

  • Add insulation to attic and walls, as needed
  • Seal air leaks in the attic with expanding foam or caulk
    • Chimneys
    • Wiring
    • Ducts
    • Flues
    • Vent stacks
  • Seal furnace ducts
  • Seal leaks around doors, window frames, and skylights

What is an Energy Audit?

An Energy Audit is an energy assessment performed by a Certified Energy Auditor. The Auditor will perform a home assessment to pinpoint where your home loses energy. The Auditor will review the previous year’s energy bills to determine consumption and interview the homeowner about problems. During the audit, the Auditor will inspect the exterior, the interior, the electrical systems, and combustion appliances. The Auditor will also perform a blower door test that detects air leaks through depressurization of your home. In the end, the Energy Audit will tell you where your home is losing energy.

How can I improve my home’s energy efficiency?

The Energy Audit will provide suggestions on how to improve your home’s energy efficiency. By following their advice and making the suggested improvements, you will save energy and reduce your energy expense.

Did you know?

·       Most homes leak as much air as leaving a medium-sized window open for twenty-four hours.

·       That weatherizing your house can save up to thirty percent energy.


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