Ways to Help the Environment in the New Year

Haleakalā National Park, Maui, Hawaii - Copyright Amy Bradley, 2021 

Ways to Help the Environment in the New Year

We often think of ways to live a better life in the new year. For the new year, consider ways you can improve your life and the health of the environment. In 2022, make a resolution to conserve natural resources in whichever way suits your lifestyle.

There are many ways you can help the environment in the upcoming new year. Conserving water, reducing air pollution, and conserving energy are ways you can help. Remember many small changes add up to a big difference. Read on to learn what you can do to help.

Salt Creek Falls, Oregon
Copyright A. Bradley

Ways to reduce water consumption

A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. You can help conserve water by making a resolution that limits the amount of water you use. 

Here are some ways you can commit to keeping your resolution.

  • Only wash full loads of laundry
  • Turn off the water when brushing your teeth
  • Take shorter showers
  • Turn off the water when washing your hair
  • Retrofit showerheads, faucets, and aerators with low-flow fixtures
  • Replace old toilets with a more efficient toilet

Ways to reduce air pollution

Air pollution is the major contributor to climate change. We need to reduce our carbon emissions. And we need to fight against the destruction of natural carbon sinks, such as forests, grasslands, and the ocean.

You can reduce your contribution to air pollution by doing the following:

  • Limit driving – carpool, public transportation, walking, and biking
  • Take fewer trips – combine errands
  • Keep automobile maintained and regularly check tire pressure
  • Do not idle your vehicle unnecessarily
  • Use hand-held and electric lawn care equipment
  • Patron drycleaners that are environmentally friendly
  • Use paints with low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
  • Use low-polluting watercraft

Ways to conserve energy

You can make a new year’s resolution to reduce your energy consumption. When you reduce your energy consumption, you not only reduce the environmental impact of energy extraction, but you also save money. Conserving energy means you use less, which reduces your monthly energy costs.

Easy ways you can conserve energy include:

  • Turn off lights, appliances, and computers when not in use
  • Use sun’s light and heat – open curtains and blinds to let light in
  • Replace old light bulbs with energy-efficient bulbs (i.e. LED)
  • Remove unnecessary lamps
  • Only run the dishwasher when full
  • Purchase EnergyStar© appliances
  • Set thermostat to lower temperature at night and when not at home
  • Install digital thermostat
  • Make sure vents are not blocked
  • Keep doors and windows closed when running HVAC
 Full moon, Oregon Cascade Mountain - Copyright Amy Bradley, 2021

Happy New Year

With the new year on its way, now is the time to consider your new year’s resolutions. This year consider making resolutions that will not only be good for you and your budget but will also be good for the environment. The hard part is changing old, wasteful habits. Conserving resources is easy.


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