Preventing Food Waste

Preventing Food Waste

Food Waste - Public Domain
Can you believe that collectively we wasted 63.1 million tons of food in the 2018. Wow, that is a lot of food! Each of us individually wastes about 209 – 253 lbs. of food per year. To know how to stop wasting food, you need to know what the causes food waste.

What are the causes of food waste?

The two largest contributors to food waste are over-consumption and surplus. We buy more than we need. And we do not use what we have.

EPA, 2021

What are three ways to reduce food waste at home?

Three ways to reduce food waste are plan, buy only what you need, and understand food labels. Make a menu for the week, so you know what you need. Check the refrigerator and cupboards before you go shopping. And understand food date labels, so you do not throw away good foods.

What are the benefits of preventing food waste?

Composting - Oregon Metro

One of the benefits of preventing food waste is saving money. If you make a shopping list based on your menu and stick to it, then you will not buy unnecessary foods. This will both save  you money and reduce wasted food.

Another benefit of preventing food waste is that it is good for the environment. It reduces methane emissions from landfills in  two ways. One is less waste means less food scraps go to the landfill. The other way is by composting food scraps. Doing so also reduces the amount of food scraps that go to the landfill.

Ten tips on preventing food waste

·       Store fruit and vegetables in different bins (if you can)

·       Store bananas, tomatoes, and apples by themselves

·       Get food ready ahead of time saves time and reduces waste

·       Wash, dry, dice/slice/chop, and place in clear containers

·       Freeze breads, sliced fruit & meat before expiration

·       Prep & cook perishable foods than freeze for use
(Ex. Fry & freeze taco meat, Bake & freeze chicken)

·       Cook and eat what is at home before buying more

·       Safe & eat leftovers

·       Plan a “leftovers” night

·       Donate to the local food bank   



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