Buy it where you burn it

The Importance of Buying Campfire Wood Locally: Protecting Our Forests from Invasive Species As the warm glow of a campfire dances under the starlit sky, it’s easy to forget that the wood fueling that fire carries more than just the promise of warmth and s’mores. The wood we use in our campfires can pose a serious risk to the health of our forests if not sourced responsibly. Here’s why buying campfire wood where you will burn it is crucial for protecting our natural ecosystems. The Invasive Species Threat Invasive species are plants, animals, or pathogens that are non-native to an ecosystem and cause harm to the environment, economy, or human health. When it comes to campfire wood, these invaders can hitch a ride in the form of insects, diseases, or seeds. The problem arises when wood is transported from one location to another, potentially introducing these harmful invaders to new areas where they can wreak havoc. How Invasive Species Spread: - Pests and Diseases: In...